Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Underworld - Rise of the Lycans

J: Ok, Rant Alert! This is the first time that my PIC and I have gone to see a movie like “Underworld – Rise of the Lycans” together, even though we both seem to agree this is a favorite genre – that being variously known as sci-fi, fantasy, and/or horror. Now, here comes the rant. I have always felt this genre should never be reviewed by mainstream critics. With the exception of the rare acknowledged blockbusters such as “Iron Man” or “The Dark Knight”, if you are going to see a movie like this expecting an Academy Award winning performance with deep meaning and pathos, GO SEE ANOTHER MOVIE! I have read so many reviews containing words like “gratuitous violence” and “graphic gore” followed by an admonition to avoid said film for those reasons, and to those people I say “What do you blockheads think we go to these movies to see?” So please, I beg you, go see whatever movie Meryl Streep is currently starring in AND LEAVE US ALONE!

Well, I feel better – how about you? As a fan of the “Underworld” franchise I was eager to see the back-story for some of these characters, even though flashbacks in the previous movies gave a hint about how the war between the Lycans and Vampires began. It was nice to see it fleshed (oh yeah, pun intended) out a bit more. And I think it speaks volumes about this maligned genre that well respected actors like Bill Nighy (Viktor) and Michael Sheen (Lucian) take parts in movies like this and enjoy the experience. Who wouldn’t? It gives the actor a chance to really let go and be a little over the top. I was also impressed with the effort that director Patrick Tatopoulos put into the character development, of course that was the point but it could have been easily lost in gore, which can often be the case. It was fun to see how some of the secondary characters, particularly Kevin Grevioux as the warrior Lycan, Raze, came to the story. However, it is here that I have my one minor complaint – if memory serves, Viktor exiled Tanis (Steven Mackintosh), at least according to the second installment, “Underworld Evolution” but I was left with a conflict here that I would like to see addressed – sorry, saying more than that would be a spoiler and in this case I won’t do that to my fellow fans. That, of course, will entail an additional prequel, which is ok by me because I’m pretty tired of Selene. More chain-mail and less Pleather, please.

Once again, I enjoyed seeing Bill Nighy and Michael Sheen work their magic. I always had a problem with Elrond the Elf also being Agent Smith, but somehow I have no problem with David Frost as a werewolf – something about the 70’s maybe? Also, one universal criticism I have of this genre is that sometimes the cinematography can be too dark but not in this case. The sets and the CGI blended seamlessly and were extremely well done. Will I see this movie again? You bet! Vampires, werewolves and the sexiest Lycan on the face of the planet? Are you kidding? SIGN ME UP!

K: Underworld 3 rocked! Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy are such incredible actors that they elevate this good action/sci-fi movie up to just plain old good movie period. I was a little concerned that this, being a prequel with the basic story already explained in the first movie, would be a little boring. I was so wrong. Where the first two movies focus more on action and plot, this one focused on the characters, which is why these excellent British actors absolutely shine in this movie. Fans of the first two movies will enjoy this one as it nicely fills out the overall mythology while following the characters through their story of love, power and betrayal.

My dad gave me flack about seeing this movie. J and I were originally going to see The Wrestler with Oscar nominated Micky Rourke but opted for this one instead and he couldn't understand why. But last night I was vindicated when I forced him to watch the first Underworld movie, and now I have created another convert to the series (so there). Also, this was the second time I watched it and I enjoyed it much more this time around than the first. I was able to pick up so many subtleties and details that I missed during the first viewing, which just further proves what an awesome movie it was to begin with. If you haven't seen any of the Underworld movies I highly suggest that you run right out to your neighborhood movie rental store and pick up the first one. You will next in my line of U converts... *heh heh heh*

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