J: I am so very depressed! No, not because I didn’t like “Star Trek”, silly, because the glorious anticipation is over. Once in awhile a movie really does live up to the hype and we should all savor those moments. This is without question one of those moments!
Let me briefly cover the things I did NOT like about this movie because the list is extremely short! I understand this is pretty picky but the science in this film is just awful! I don’t think it honors the memory of Gene Roddenberry and that somewhere the poor guy is spinning in his grave. As I said, this is picky and probably won’t bother too many people; I just happen to be one of them. Now, my PIC might view this as being a spoiler but I prefer to think of it as a warning to others. J.J. Abrams, most likely due to his involvement in that curse of an “art form” known as network television, has decided this movie needed sex – IT DOES NOT! This is particularly disgusting because he seems to think that Spock lip-locking Uhura at every turn is just what the public was craving – IT WAS NOT! Even in the original series, when the plot allowed Spock a little nooky it was creepy and that hasn’t changed!
Well, now THAT’S over, I will jump up on the highest roof and shout to the world that EVERYONE, Trekkie or not, should see this movie! It had everything anyone could want. My PIC and I were actually crying within the first 15 minutes. Pathos, check! The storyline was extremely entertaining and well written, props to Mr. Abrams indeed. Plot, check! There wasn’t a single moment that made you want to check your watch. I think this movie could have been four hours long and no one would have noticed. Compelling action, check! Now, here’s my favorite part, the back-story on each of the original characters was flawless. Character development, Double check!!
I usually avoid reading about a new movie prior to seeing it because I like to be surprised, but I admit to reading a bit about this one, only because I am a dyed in the wool Trekkie and damned proud of it, too. I even suffered through “The Undiscovered Country” because I could never live with myself if I missed an episode of Star Trek. As I read about some of the actors who had been chosen to play the original characters, I started to worry. Silly me! Each actor truly embraced, and paid proper homage to, the character they brought to life. Each relationship was carefully developed, some were even a surprise, and eventually each character got to speak a tagline that has always been married to that character. Trekkies, you will know what I mean; everyone else, just enjoy the fun. My personal favorites were Karl Urban as Bones, because I was a little leery about that one, and Simon Pegg as Scotty, who was introduced WAY too late. He was perfect, absolutely spot-on and hilarious! My true shock was Eric Bana as the captain of the Romulan bird of prey (BIG props to Mr. Abrams for getting that one right! Trekkies, again you know what I mean!). I honestly did not know it was him until I finally listened to his voice! Very cool, indeed! However, my real joy in this film was getting to see Kirk actually cheating on the Kobayashi Moru scenario – I guess I have to forgive Mr. Abrams predilection for lip-locks after all!
The inherent danger in prequels is in the possible, and sometimes probable, disappointment to loyal fans if anything screws up their fond memories of the original franchise. That is not the case here, Dear Trekkie, so please Boldly Go to your local theater as quickly as possible, because the Mission Is truly Ongoing! Live Long and Prosper, Mr. Abrams and thanks!
K: Wow. All my expectations were surpassed. The movie had jam-packed action and a script full of plot and character development and many, many 'Easter eggs.' I think this is possibly the best movie ever. 'Nuff said.
July Reading
13 years ago
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